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Pro Loco Villa Campanile

Via Dori 10, 56022 Villa Campanile (PI)

Organization of gastronomic events with typical products on Saturdays from June to the end of July.

Fratres Donatori di Sangue Villa Campanile

Via Dori 25, 56022 Villa Campanile (PI)

Donation of blood, plasma and platelets.

Pubblica Assistenza Croce Bianca

Via della Repubblica 4, 56022 Orentano (PI)

Organization of rescue with ambulance, outpatient services, health training, civil protection initiatives, volunteer training in collaboration with the National Federation of Public Assistance, cultural, sports and recreational initiatives.

Fratres Orentano

Fratres Orentano

Via Leone Lotti 8, 56022 Orentano (PI)

Promotion and enhancement of the culture of blood donation and its derivatives.

Circolo Nuovo Mondo

Via Martiri della Libertà 54, 56022 Orentano (PI)

Organization of cultural events aimed at the knowledge of the territory through conferences, entertainment for children, civic educational initiatives, photographic and painting competitions, organization of celebration such as for May 1st, organization of theater courses and theatrical scenography. ...


Via dei Nencini 4, 56022 Orentano (PI)

It lends its business to civil and religious services and concerts. The La Ranocchia folk music complex performs services during parties, festivals, carnival, popular events.  

G. S. D. Orentano Calcio

Via della Chiesa 76, 56022 Orentano (PI)

Association registered with the FIGC, amateur football; registered in the II ° Category championship.

Polisportiva Virtus Orentano A. S. D.

Via Martiri della Libertà 60, 56022 Orentano (PI)

Rhythmic gymnastics, women's volleyball (children and adults), minivolley, aerobics, physical activity for the elderly, karate, yoga classes, Caribbean dances, school activities and running. It organizes "La marcia dell'Orcino" on the third Sunday of October.

Ente Carnevale dei Bambini Pro Loco di Orentano APS

Ente Carnevale dei Bambini Pro Loco di Orentano APS

Via della Chiesa 5, 56022 Orentano (PI)

Organization of the Orentano Children's Carnival since 1956.

Centro Commerciale Naturale delle Frazioni di Castelfranco di Sotto

Via Martiri della Libertà 7, 56022 Orentano (PI)

The association operates in a well-defined territory, namely the hamlets of Orentano, Villa Campanile and Galleno, in agreement with the municipal administration of Castelfranco di Sotto. It can be joined by entrepreneurs of commerce, tourism, crafts and services, who operate in the territory of the ...

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