Questo sito può utilizzare cookies tecnici e/o di profilazione, anche di terze parti, al fine di migliorare la tua esperienza utente.

Proseguendo con la navigazione sul sito dichiari di essere in accordo con la cookies-policy.   Chiudi



General Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies, which are short text files that are stored on visitors' devices and saved in specific folders depending on the type of browser used (both on mobile and desktop). 
Cookies keep track of the actions performed by those who have visited the site, such as the fact that they have closed a popup window and allow them to avoid, for example, the same window being shown again. 
In this sense, cookies can make the browsing experience better. 
Those who do not wish to receive cookies can also decide to disable them once and for all. 
Each browser has its own way of restricting or disabling cookies as explained below.

Configurations for disabling cookies
The user can choose not to enable the execution of cookies and, therefore, cancel the activity of profiling for promotional purposes by acting on the settings of your browser. 

Here are some instructions for disabling cookies related to the most commonly used browsers:

"Google Chrome
"Internet Explorer

The absence of disabling cookies for this site is intended as consent to the use of cookies, and data collected from them, as specified in the paragraphs on technical cookies and profiling provided by third parties.

Source: Cookie law: legal guide and facsimile