Centro Commerciale Naturale delle Frazioni di Castelfranco di Sotto
The association operates in a well-defined territory, namely the hamlets of Orentano, Villa Campanile and Galleno, in agreement with the municipal administration of Castelfranco di Sotto. It can be joined by entrepreneurs of commerce, tourism, crafts and services, who operate in the territory of the hamlets of the municipality of Castelfranco di Sotto (PI).
The Board of Directors in office for the 2020-2023 three-year period is composed as follows:
President: Stefano Barghini (Dear Tuscany Srl);
Vice-President: Rita Rossella (Affittacamere Bel Giorgio);
Secretary: Giacomo Buoncristiani (Studio Archingegno);
Cashier: Gino Carmignani (Tobacco contract);
Director: Alessandro Vettori (Macelleria 5 Stelle);
Councilor: Benedetta Maffei (Ferramenta Rugluioni);
Councilor: Giuseppe Russo (Storica Barberia).